Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A few little projects!

I thought I would share a few of my past projects with you. As you can see my style is all over the place!

I create usually with two things in mind ~ 1. What materials do I have laying around. 2. What can I make out of these materials. A long time ago (actually middle school) I bought a book called "Found Objects" sorry I don't have the name of the author at this time, I will post it soon (I still have the book!).  This book really inspired me to CREATE ! My hope in writing this blog is to inspire you to CREATE as well.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Here goes nothing!

After much encouragement from my kids, I have decided to venture into the world of blogging. I know, I know, blogs have been around forever!  You have to understand though, I am fantastic with a paint brush and glue not so much!

As my very first post, I will keep it sweet and simple. Because that's all I am capable of right now. I'm still learning.